Friday, March 20, 2009

Update: 2 months together...

As I sit here typing this, Boston is walking around my room looking for something to do to cause some trouble. His counterpart, Kirbee, is elsewhere in the apartment; she is likely already causing trouble. The cats have been together for 2 months now and everyday is a new adventure it seems. Kirbee, however, is beating Boston up now...not the other way around. She runs the apartment and that's the way it is. Boston tries to get her every now and then but it's usually Kirbee running after Boston when they come down the hallway.
So, here is a little bit of stuff about Kirbee that I have learned over the last 2 months:

- she loves ripping garbage bags open; she has actually fallen into the garbage can in the laundry room and she sat there meowing until I went and got her out; she has also taken rib and chicken bones out of the garbage
- she loves playing in the hallway...if I throw a mouse to the other end, she'll bring it back to me...well, halfway anyway
- she thinks she owns this apartment and that Boston is merely an inconvenience that she tolerates; she doesn't hesitate to slide around on her back and attack him when he least expects it
- she MUST be in the bathroom when I'm in there; it doesn't matter what I'm doing...she WILL push the door open to get in; when I'm in the shower, she sits on the bath mat and waits for me to finish
- she comes to the door whenever I come in; it doesn't matter what she's doing...if she isn't in the entry way right away, all I have to do is call her and she'll come running (Boston usually comes behind her because he comes to meet me at the door too)
- she has to be there to say goodbye too; usually laying on the floor while Boston sits there and looks so sad
- she will jump up on the counter but knows to get off asap because I yell....and she doesn't do it very often
- she sleeps at the end of my bed and Boston sleeps on the right hand side, where he has always slept and will continue to do so because he won't let her take that spot...
- she has found her "voice" and uses it regularly...sometimes for no particular reason...she just likes to hear herself, I'm sure
- she doesn't like to be carried around, unless it suits her; same applies for sitting on laps but she is more of a lap cat than Boston is
- she is a little sweetheart and brings so much joy to my life every single day...I love her :)

Boston will be 7 in is some information about him that I have learned over the past 7 years:

- he doesn't like the sound of dishes being put away; he WILL meow a lot, especially if you ask him what's wrong
- he sleeps in his orange papasan's his; he occasionally shares it with Kirbee but it's definitely his chair
- he knows how to sit, speak and lay "down" on command
- he loves his treats
- he is bad when he is hungry...he'll do anything to get your attention (eat leaves of plants or just meow nonstop)
- he likes his sisal pole to scratch on....and that's about it
- he sleeps on the right hand side of my bed, right by the pillow and that's his spot; he is there every morning when I wake up and usually every night before I fall asleep
- he will dig to China in the litterbox one day...
- he doesn't like being held, unless it's on his terms...he's not as quick to jump on someone's lap (unless it's mom's)...Kirbee is more of a lap cat
- he will lead you to the water fountain if the water level is not what he considers to be sufficiently high enough
- he makes sure you're ok when you're upset or crying but will take off in the other direction if you're really mad
- he doesn't like Matt (my ex) and probably never will; he always hisses at him and runs away until he leaves.
- he is a little antisocial but he waits in the hallway near the entry way for me to come home and he comes to the door to say goodbye when I leave
- he is my little boo bear and I love him very much
- he has made my life interesting to say the least and I hope I have many more years with my little angel.

And that's about all I can think of right now. I'm supposed to go to the dog park this afternoon, so I should probably start getting myself ready to do that. Haven't seen my Xia in forever, so I'm looking forward to it!